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AI real life Projects and Blogs
and the potential of Artificial Intellegence.
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Languages and Libraries :
C/C++,python, MATLAB/Simulink, Numpy, Pandas, Tensorflow, Keras, Matplotlib, OpenCV, Scikit-learn, Seabon.
Data Structures and Algorithms :
Web-Development :
CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Bootstrap.
Developer Tools :
Visual studio code, Jupyter NoteBook, Google Collab, MATLAB, Pycharm
I have extensive experience working with a diverse set of technologies, including: Machine Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning, CNNs, ANNs, Saimese Neural Netwok, Deep NLP, RNNs , Seq2Seq Model, KivyMD for application development, AutoEncoders and Restricted Boltzman Machine for Rating and Recommenders system.
Smart India Hackathon 2023 - Winner(Intra College), Team Leader & AI Developer – Led a victorious team, showcasing AI development skills and strategic leadership in a prestigious nationwide hackathon.
What are
Computer VisionConvolutional Neural Network, Digital image processing
–Developed a real-time sign language decoding model using MediaPipe Holistic Key Points for palm
and pose detection, Tensorflow/Keras, and Stacked LSTM layer for enhanced effectiveness.
–Created a facial recognition application with a Siamese network model using TensorFlow/Keras
for face authentication and opencv Haar–Casscade for face dectection integrated it into a Kivy
application, achieved precision and
recall (1.0).
–Created an application for responsive media content interaction through hand–gestures and
computer vision, utilizing OpenCV, numpy and PyAutoGUI to develop a gesture-controlled video
player via digital image
processing in python.
ChatBot Kivy Application Deep Natural Language Processing
–Built a Chatbot using Deep Natural Language Processing (DNLP) , enhancing conversational
–Implemented and Trained a Seq2Seq DeepNLP model using the Cornell Movie Dialogs Corpus
–Employed stacked LSTMs and Attention Mechanisms for effective context understanding and
response generation.
–Developed a Kivy Application seamlessly integrated with the model, enabling real–time,
human–like interaction.
MuJoCoAI Deep Reinforcement Learning, Q–Learning
–Implemented a Deep Q–Network and A3C model to enhance robust decision–making in
Non–Deterministic environments.
–Created a real–time customizable environment and car, for self-driving using Kivy and Lunar
Lander from OpenAI Gym.
–Implemented Twin Delayed DDPG model to find the optimal policy for Markov Decision problem and
achieved high
cumulative rewards in complex MuJoCo environments such as Ant, Half Cheetah, and Humanoid
Recent Blog
Computer Vision
Facial Recognition with Siamese neural network
Facial Recognition is something you we can see everywhere in our day to life, like in phones and other equipment for security purposes. In humans also faces this phenomenon a lot or I would say nearly their whole life from childhood to their last breath....[Read More]
Computer Vision
Sign Language Detection using Action Recognition
Built a Real-time Action Detection model to decode sign language, empowered by LSTM layer for enhancing effectiveness. •Extracted MediaPipe Holistic Key Points for palm and pose detection using the Mediapipe library for training and testing. Developed a robust deep neural network using Tensorflow & Keras, utilizing a Stacked LSTM layer to effectively process and analyze the pattern from the sequences of detected holistic key points for real-time sign language decoding...[Coming Soon..]
Deep Reinforcement Learning
MuJoCo environment solver AI
Implemented a Deep Q–Network and A3C model to enhance robust decision–making in Non–Deterministic environments. Created a real–time customizable environment and car, for self driving using kivy and Lunar Lander from OpenAI Gym. Implemented Twin Delayed DDPG model to find the optimal policy for Markov Decision problem and achieved high cumulative rewards in complex MuJoCo environments such as Ant, Half Cheetah and Humanoid.... [Coming Soon..]
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Goal is to design efficient self-learning and intelligent software to automate predictive models and contribute to advancements in artificial intelligence..